The Happy Employee Podcast
Listen as we discuss all things mental health and draw on our own experience battling common conditions. Perfect for business leaders and HR professionals looking after teams and employees, but also suitable as inspiration for your own self-care or looking out for a loved one. startwithin.co.uk
27 episodes
"EVERYONE can be an activist" - in conversation with Vicki Vidler (Founder, Consortium for the Prevention of Suicide)
(Warning - this episode contains discussion of suicide throughout)For this very special video episode of The Happy Employee Podcast, our Director of Training Mike was privileged to sit down for a conversation with Vicki Vidler, F...
Season 3
Episode 5

Preventing Young Suicide with 3 Dads Walking
*(WARNING: this episode discusses the subject of suicide in depth and at length - please exercise self-care and call Samaritans on 116 123 or Papyrus UK on 0800 068 4141 if you find yourself in distress)*In this illuminating, ...
Season 3
Episode 4

Menopause and Mental Health with Jo Clarke (CPSL Mind)
In this episode we are joined by Jo Clarke, Head of Training, Consultancy and Business Development at Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire (CPSL) Mind, a local mental health charity that is working hard to destigmatise and educat...
Season 3
Episode 3
Behind The Walls - In Conversation with Angela Kirwin (author of Criminal: How Our Prisons Are Failing Us All)
We are extremely proud to welcome another fantastic author on to the podcast, with Mike joined by Angela Kirwin, author of the must-read Criminal: How Our Priso...
Season 3
Episode 2

'Sort Your Head Out' - Special Episode with Sam Delaney
It’s been a little while but we are back with a bang, with a very special guest indeed!Sam Delaney is a successful and extremely experienced journalist, broadcaster, podcaster and author, with ...
Season 3
Episode 1
Take the time
Jonny Benjamin MBE is an award-winning mental health campaigner, film producer, public speaker, writer and vlogger. He is also the founder of youth mental health charity Beyond, as well as the author of The Book of Hope - an inspiring and movin...
Season 2
Episode 8
Running on empty
After a little (deserved) break, Abbey and Mike are back! This personal episode delves into experiences of running on empty and why it is important to slow down for our mental health. We also cover stress vs burnout, how to address it and what ...
Season 2
Episode 7
Let's address stress
Neil Shah is the Founder, Director and Chief De-Stressing Officer of The Stress Management Society and International Wellbeing Insights. He is a leading global e...
Season 2
Episode 6

Finding your voice
For this episode, we are delighted to welcome Anastasia Vinnikova, Wellbeing Lead at the Bank of England, Co-Chair of the Thriving from the Start Network and founder of Winning Minds, a mental health resource for sportspeople.Anastasia s...
Season 2
Episode 5
Women supporting women
In honour of International Women's Day on 8 March 2021, we have put together this very special feature length episode, featuring not one guest but five!Each guest is a powerful strong woman, that we see as role models and an inspiration...
Season 2
Episode 4

Making connections
Abbey talks to Martina Jean-Jacques from Frazzled Cafe about the importance of connections and community.
Season 2
Episode 3

Time to talk
To mark Time to Talk Day 2021, Mike sits down with mental health pioneer Rohan Kallicharan to discuss his incredible personal journey, the importance of conversations on wellbeing, how we can role model positivity and much more.startwit...
Season 2
Episode 2

Beat the blues
We're back! Join us as we launch series two. Abbey and Mike chat about the January blues and offer their tips on how we can beat them. We'll turn your 'Blue Monday' into 'YOU Monday'.
Season 2
Episode 1

Mental Health Day is Everyday!
With World Mental Health Day looming on Saturday 10 October 2020, we thought we would celebrate by talking to a whole host of mental health advocates about what World Mental Health Day means to them and their organisation. Listen as...

The power of listening
For the final episode in the series, Abbey and Mike round up with the most important thing we can do to support others - listening!startwithin.co.uk
Season 1
Episode 12

Leading in mental health
This week we chat to a very special guest - Simon Blake OBE.Simon is the CEO for Mental Health First Aid England, as well as Deputy Chair for Stonewall and a Pride 365 Champion.Mike chats to Simon about his journey with social j...
Season 1
Episode 11
Embracing diversity
Abbey shares a fascinating discussion with Richard Etienne. Richard is Deputy Head of Internal Communications for the Department for International Trade and heads the organisation's BAME network as co-chair. He is also a Masterclass Tutor for T...
Season 1
Episode 10
Finding balance
Special Guest Caroline Stocks is a successful lawyer that has turned her hand to crafting soap for keyworkers during lockdown. Caroline shares her story on overcoming burnout and moving away from the stigma attached to it. She also ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Return to work anxiety
Returning to work after a long period of absence can be a daunting and worrying experience. Combine that with a global pandemic, and feelings of anxiety could be quite common in the workplace.In this episode, Abbey and Mike discuss the a...
Season 1
Episode 8

Thriving at work
In this episode, Mike is joined by special guest Matt Rodda. Matt is a Royal Air Force Training Instructor, who uses his passion for wellbeing to shape the current generation of military leaders.Matt and Mike discuss the us...
Season 1
Episode 7

Walking for Wellbeing
Mike walks and talks us through the benefits of taking a stroll to improve our mental health. Either listen where you are, or pop your headphones in and take a walk with us!
Season 1
Episode 6

Fitness strengthening communities
This week we are joined by Super Mum and business owner; Michelle Sparman of FIT SW11. She talks about juggling her career with two boys, bringing wellbeing into the workplace and how fit...
Season 1
Episode 5